Piah Njeru: From Receiving Support to Empowering Others

Piah Njeru’s journey began in 2007 when she came to the United States, from Kenya, to pursue her studies. Initially, Piah lived with her but with time she built a life for herself, working as a caregiver for various entities within the institutional and family-based healthcare establishments.

Before COVID-19, Piah comfortably supported his family as a wife and mother of two children but all that changed with the advent of the pandemic which brought unexpected challenges for her. 

She lost a client who succumbed to the effects of the coronavirus, leaving her without work and her family facing unexpected financial difficulties. Her world, like it was for many others, crumbled and she was suddenly struggling to make ends meet.

It was all gloom and doom until a friend rekindled her hopes of getting some relief through AfriThrive’s food distribution program.

Piah enlisted herself and was able to receive weekly fresh produce and legumes, which guaranteed her family’s access to nutritious meals and offered some sense of stability when everything around the globe was so uncertain. 

Deeply grateful for the assistance, Piah decided to give back and started volunteering with AfriThrive, along with her two children.

“AfriThrive has become my extended family,” Piah quips as she reflects on her journey with AfriThrive.

“It goes beyond providing food; it brings our community together and lifts us up. My children have gained invaluable social skills and friendships through volunteering.”

Her commitment, dedication and passion to volunteer earned her the recognition and opportunity to be the Volunteer Coordinator in February 2023. Piah now plays a crucial role in managing and organizing volunteer efforts, ensuring that others in need receive the same support she once relied upon.

“At AfriThrive, we reach the unreachable.” 

Piah expresses her deep gratitude to AfriThrive for the love, respect, and kindness she experienced, emphasizing how the organization has brought the taste of their African home to their lives in America.

Piah continues to serve the community, regularly packaging and serving food at the Aspen Hill food distribution center and even delivers food to those unable to access the center and extends her commitment to her church, where she shares the blessings she has received with other families.

Piah’s inspiring journey exemplifies the transformative power of support and community. AfriThrive continues to make a profound impact on individuals and families, helping them overcome challenges and empowering them to create a brighter future together.

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed,” Piah quotes renowned American poet, author and activist Maya Angelou, words that have become her mantra and the oil that runs her volunteering engine.